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Qualifying reassessment of the urban centre of San TrovasoPreganziol, Treviso 2007

The project reunites in its goal the indications and references that a historical documented urban analysis has revealed, with the objective of establishing a project
concept that aims to consider the entire area studied as a single territorial structure. This continuity is retained to be necessary to preserve and sustain the historical complexity of these locations formed through time from the relationship between the residential centre and ‘monumental villa system’, a complexity that however, at the same time, needs to be distinguished in its components, evidence of its own peculiarity in some of the sectors analysed. The meta-project for this is defined as a single system within which two identifiable organisms live, with two tracts of roads, the first that originates from Villa Franchetti in the direction of the historic centre of San Trovaso represented by the church, and the second inside the urban centre of San Trovaso.

The meta-project deals with the theme of the regeneration of certain consolidated historical elements and at the same time introduces new links and new areas as elements of urban requalification, functional and visible reconnection, and reassessment of the broken up parts of the territory, offering a possibility of land occupation and of links between the various locations with their different assignments (the centre of the town with the church, the underground train station, the villa). The links and areas intercept the junctions first from the ground system constituted by the villa, the train station, the San Trovaso church and the arch that are reactivated to become integrated in a new urban centrality.

Preganziol (Tv), 2007
Client: Comune di Preganziol
Project: Made associati _ Michela De Poli e Adriano Marangon
