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Wine Pavilion, Villorba Treviso

The Wine Workshop is composed as a succession of spaces in constant connection with the outside with particular attention to the relationship with the old cherry trees, qualifying their interrelationship with a delicate proximity to the tall trees. The concept of the pavilion project was born from the in-depth analysis of the processing process of the Treviso vineyards to produce prosecco.


Cronologia | 2017/21

Luogo | Villorba, Tv

Committente | La Cantina Pizzolato

Consulente Progettista | MADE associati _ Treviso

arch. Michela De Poli

arch. Adriano Marangon

Collaboratori | arch. Federico Comuzzo, arch. Silvia Fracassi, arch. Laura Castenetto

Strutture | ing. Andrea Rigato

Impianti meccanici | p.i. Moreno Marcuz

Impianti elettrici | p.i. Luciano Michielin

Agronomo | Antonio Rottin

Progetto idraulico | iDeVa Igegneria
