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New multipurpose sports and recreative center in MianeMiane (Tv), 2010

The overall project called “multipurpose sports and recreative center” has as its objective to build an articulated space in which catalyze a series of community services for the leisure time and sports activities.

The proposal consist of a sports park where are copresents playgrounds and outdoor sports areas, covered structures for sport, leisure and other activities related to the presence of associations, flexible spaces for various uses related events and shows, in support of the many tourist itineraries localized in this site (route of pastures, nature trail, trail biking, hippo).
The project is based and organized on the morphological and environmental quality of the place, like the hills and river scenery and wide plants, taking shape from their use and from the perception of the area; in this way the project responds to the functional requirements of the Administration and it allows to insert in a controlled manner some new functions.

It is also incorporated in a complex pattern of historical, sports and naturalistic itineraries that already made up from the Municipality of Miane; the aim is to integrate the new park and its activities with what already exist. Its location facilitates this integration because is barycentric as compared to the thematic existing paths.

Miane (Tv), 2010
Client: Comune di Miane
Project: Made associati _ Michela De Poli e Adriano Marangon
Structure: Studio Toso Riccio Ingegneria
Installations: ing. Stefano Melato
Consultant: dott. agr. Maurizio Leoni, Fabiana Toppan
Hydrogeological investigation: dott. geol. Laura Boni
Safety: geom. Vito Rizzo
Costs: €6.450.000,00
